Announcing a new podcast series...

I have long wanted to start my own blog. I have started, stopped, deleted, started again. I blame my PhD - after all who wants write MORE after writing all day? Not me. I admire all those academics who write lovely academic blogs in their free time. They are all so insightful and beautifully written. How do they do it and still find time to sleep?


However, I think that I have found a sneaky work-around.... a podcast! It has all the delightful regularity of a blog without having to write too much. Its like an interesting conversation with a friend which just happens to be recorded. This I can do even after spending the day pounding out words and editing page after page. Moreover, I think podcasting has really come into its own over the past few years and has become a medium through which we are entertained and learn while commuting to work, doing the dishes, or simply going for a walk.

Thus, without further ado I would like to announce my new project/hobby - the "Sustainability Transitions Podcast". My hope is to interview people involved in the transition such as volunteers at community-based initiatives, government officials, and academics involved in the transition. And this blog portion of the website will be used to supplement it.

I hope it will lead to interesting and insightful conversations on transitions and become a space where people come to learn a little bit more about the changes going on around them. Or maybe, who knows, it will even encourage people to become involved? I'm excited to learn from the people who have already kindly agreed to be participate and I hope that this will lead to many exciting podcasts after that.

So please tune into the podcasts and join me for this little adventure.